Leadership Trainings

We comprehend that we need new leadership models to face the questions of the era we dwell in. From ego to empathy, from order to inspiration, from pure benchmark to human development. Therefore we focus on facilitative leadership and narrative integration.

Transform leadership  with facilitation feats, communication cleverness and creativity skills that boost your productivity and employee experience.

The Inspiracy Group offers innovative leadership training programs designed to equip leaders with the skills and mindset needed for the modern workplace.

Recognizing that traditional leadership models are not alway sufficient anymore, our approach focuses on transforming leaders from fear/ego-driven to empathy-centered, and from order-givers to inspirational figures.

Our training emphasizes the shift towards human development, especially in times of an increased tech-fetishism and crammed calendars

By combining facilitation, design thinking, systemic thinking, and storytelling methodologies, our tailor-made leadership experiences  foster adaptability, creativity, and human-centered decision-making.

Our programs aim to develop leaders who can navigate complex challenges, inspire their teams, and drive meaningful change in their organizations.

With a focus on practical application and long-term impact, these leadership trainings prepare participants to lead with confidence, compassion, and clarity in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Elevate your leadership

Office design solutions we offer

Facilitative Leadership

Facilitative Leaership is about bringing everybody in. We stringly embody the Design Thinking inspired trinity of people-place-process to step into a holistic journey as servant leaders that regard all material and immaterial ressources.

Systemic Leader

This training is a strong catalyzer for circular thinking. No action without clarified intentions and implication check. Looking at things as a whole is key to answer the complexity challenges of present and future, were humans increasingly need to take care more.

Leaders Storytelling

As every organisation is a narrative organisation, leaders do very well by making storytelling and especially -listening their tool of choice to bring people together, foster belonging, increase knowledge management and group learning that transcend group think and help the employer branding to flourish.

The approach we take


Discovery & Consultation

Every tasks starts with the story behind it. With an analytical narrative approach we start wondering if the problems adressed are a symptom or already a root cause. Knowingly or not, but much of we need to know is embedded in the language that emerges in organisational environment. Our duty is to lift its secrets and make it accessible and creatively dealt with.


Conceptual Design

After any of our audits we carve a concept and and action plan, that may alter form your initial ambition but reveal levers for much bigger and longer lasting impact. Here the magic of systems thinking, facilitative leadership and integrative narrative approaches fuse into something very valuable


Detailed Planning

Once you agree to follow the concept, mostly after some refinded concept iterations, the detailed planning turns the project into a roadmap with a goals, strategy, pronciples and communication feats. Regularly we design consecutive chapters, so you can determine the timing in accordance with your resources.



Transformation, Change Programs, Training, Workshops – all of what those describe is often so much more than we see and most of the work is done in-between. Thats why we put you on duty of having your investment backed-up the obligation to follow through with well thought through implementation steps.

To lead is to serve

Stepping up as a leader is more than just entitlement, it is an utter opportunity to serve, as you will have impact on so many lives. Yet we support a systemic view that sees obligations by those who lead in a comparable extend with those who are led.

Lead forward

"I genuinely look forward to the opportunity of connecting with Göran again in the near future. It would be fantastic to have him conduct more sessions for us, as his facilitation skills and expertise are truly commendable. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a skilled and charismatic consultant.."

Nitha Karanja

A connected world needs connected people.

Being aware busy days make computer mediated communication enticing, we underline the importance of a personal conversation at least via phone, wherever abd whenever possible: face to face.

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