Facilitated Experience Design

Collaboration is the glue of success and ever was. We embed this holistically in experiences. Significant changes apply when people use, feel and thus see sense.  Therefore we facilitate well-thought through experiences. Let's bring everybody in!

With thoughtful facilitation & moderation your people win. Your business will follow.

Our expertise facilitation is a cornerstone service for transformative events of all sizes, from intimate team workshops to large-scale corporate gatherings of up to 1,000 participants.

The word "facilitation" comes from the Latin "facilis" meaning "easy." It helps groups work together more effectively, making complex interactions and decision-making processes smoother and more productive. Good facilitation will improve your communication, problem-solving, and outcomes when people collaborate.

We facilitate in different scenarios, here are some:

  • Business Meetings
  • Townhall Meetings
  • Project Kick-Offs
  • Workshops & Team Meetings
  • Brainstorm & Prototyping Session
  • Event-openings & -closings

Our formats are always carefully designed and aim to guide people, teams and necessarily organizations through change processes, strategic alignments, and transformative journeys. Conscientiousness on a small scale impacts the large scale.

Why professional moderation and facilitation is crucial for such events:

  • Discernment of communication requirements and desires
  • Ensuring focused discussions
  • Balanced participation
  • And effective time management

Skilled moderators create a safe space for open dialogue, manage group dynamics, and steer conversations towards productive results.

By investing in structured, purposeful facilitation, organizations can turn communication into action, ultimately accelerating their path to positive change and innovation.

Facilitate your change now!

Facilitation means making thing more light, thus we offer

Facilitated Experiences

We design on experience perspective for conferences, workshops, meeting formats, openings, inaugurations and any kind of facilitated gatherings of people that want to take the next meaningful leap.

Facilitative Leadership

Elevate your leadership skills with advanced facilitation techniques. Empower your team, foster innovation, and drive meaningful change through expertly guided conversations and workshops.

Transformation Guidance

Guide your organisation through complex challenges with confidence and skill. Learn to design and lead transformative experiences that align teams, shift mindsets, and catalyze organizational growth.


The people-place-process paradigm of Design Thinking is fundamental to facilitation and business leadership due to its holistic approach. By considering human needs (people), environmental factors (place), and methodologies (process) together, leaders can create comprehensive solutions that are not only feasible and viable but also desirable to users. This universal framework fosters empathy, creativity, and adaptability across various industries, making it a powerful tool for driving meaningful change in any organizational context.

Thinking with your hands

From a neuroscientific and evolutionary perspective, integrating tangible experiences into today's digital business world is crucial, exemplified by the innovation practice of "thinking with our hands." Our brains evolved to process physical stimuli, deeply influencing cognitive processes and memory formation. This hands-on approach activates multiple sensory pathways, enhancing information retention and problem-solving capabilities. By manipulating physical objects or prototypes, we engage broader neural networks, leading to more creative solutions and lasting impressions than purely digital interactions.

The approach we take


Discovery and Audit

In the best consukting and Design Thinking related analytical manner we put a healthy doubt on each request – then generate hypothesis based upon our process of narrative analysis or organisational audit. Or both.


Conceptual Design

After the analysis we draft a work concept and introducte it to our business partners and iterate the briefing process to ensure a tailormade approach of problem solving.


Detailed Planning

Detailed planning and preparartion applies comparably to workshops, trainings, programs and change initiatives.


Implementation & Integration

Implementing is learning. Therefore we embrace an interative approach to smoothen the naturally occuring edges.

Transform your work culture ... slowly

We know that "let's slow down!" is the most missed thing said by business leaders, but to speed up, we have to get our lections from reflections.

Let’s Get Started

Any transformation starts and ends with people. And people do not necessarily like change. But most of us love being prepared. Thus, we do not change them. We prepare them.

Göran Hielscher
Systemic Consultant & Facilitator

A connected world needs connected people.

Being aware busy days make computer mediated communication enticing, we underline the importance of a personal conversation at least via phone, wherever abd whenever possible: face to face.

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