People don't like to change,
but they love being prepared

And we help you get them there: Our diversified programs offer you the right cut for your needs. And we will know more about your needs and those behind them after running an audit or narrative analisys upfront to ensure your needs and those behind them are met.

Preparedness Programs

Our programs are the safest way of leveraging your workforces skill horizon. Formats tailored to your needs. Our favorites are The Energy Hub, Creators Confidence and Well being forever. Ask us!

  • 12-week EnergyHub: holistic organisational transformation
  • 12-week – CreativeSynergy: Innovative strength through healthy communication
  • 12-week – SOS – Save Our Strategy – Combining potential savings and team efficiency
  • 9-weeks – ResilienceRise: Strengthening organisational and individual resilience
  • 9-week – Future Leader Now: The art of bringing everybody in by facilitative leadership

Trainings are the great opportunity to leverage your and your teams skillset. We train from the shelf in communication, creativity skills, team synergy, systems thinking basic, the human side of AI and brainstorm as well as prototyping skills.

  • Communication Feats: basics, models, TAA, metaphors, stortelling, narratives, re-framing
  • The Synergizer: Effective Team Communication
  • The Gold in the Bold: Creativite Confidence Training
  • Bring Everybody In!: Facilitative Leadership Training
  • Think like a Designer: Design Thinking Basic & Methods, Innovation Culture, Mindset & Do-Set
  • Stormy Brains: Effective Meetings & Brainstormings
  • Speak-Up! Rhethorics for Daily Business
Workshops Design & Action

A workshop for us is much more as a (multiple)day event. For us it is a surgery. After finding your ill or need the operation has to be thoroughly planned and the aftermath the healing and implementation time wisely regarded to keep your investment of resources valuable.

  • Team Synergy & Performance
  • Communication-Storytelling-Reframing
  • Strategy OKR KPI
  • Innovation Mindset & Creative Confidence
  • Design Thinking & Agility
  • Creative Conflict Management
Get prepared now!

A connected world needs connected people.

Being aware busy days make computer mediated communication enticing, we underline the importance of a personal conversation at least via phone, wherever abd whenever possible: face to face.

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